With the upcoming times and new steps in technology we have
gained, now is truly the age of information. Have you seen back to the future?
In the past people have dreamed, seen in movies, read in books about how we
could show you something real from anywhere in the world or something
artificially created to be right in front of you. The answer is VR and AR
technology. Starting with VR, virtual reality, placing you into a virtually
created world. In that world you would be able to interact with and explore the
created environment. The technology of VR is mostly being integrated for the
gaming industry mainly because the original creators of them intended to create
their product for gaming, that product being the oculus rift. The oculus rift
has been in production for a long time, and larger company’s has decided to
also join in on the VR craze by creating their own versions of the product.
Companies like Sony creating their own headset, Microsoft, even Google with
their version called the Google cardboard. The oculus rift comes with two
controllers for your hands to interact with tools and the environment. It has
become so assessable that there is even a version for phones and laptops called
36o videos, allowing you to turn in any direction and watch the content in
quite literally 360 degrees. It has become so popular that even movie sets and
music videos are shooting 360 videos of the behind the scenes for anyone who
wants to be more involved in the process. Currently the prices of these
technology range from the oculus rift being $800 to the Google cardboard being
$5. That being said there are still problems that have not been sorted out, one
being how to handle motion sickness when playing. No information I have found
has resolved these issues however now that it has been released for the public
we are sure to find a solution.