Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ted Talks: Future of ocean cleaning

I have a love of the worlds oceans and the wild life that inhabits its. One of my biggest hobbies itself is maintaning multiple aquariums in florida as well as Maryland so my love of aquatic creatures is very well known to the people who know me. Another hobby I happen to like is fishing, going out on the ocean with the sun high and shining and the deep blue sea rushing under our boat, however always seeing murky brown water and trash in our sea's really disturbs me and makes me worry for the wild life living within them. With our current way of life we are destroying the ecosystems with no way to fix it, there is currently an island of trash as large as Texas in the pacific ocean and recently there has been an oil spill in the gulf of Mexico killing many wildlife, I believe a we are in dire need of a solution. Cesar Harada has come up with an innovative idea for boats that could dramatically help clean our oceans as well as become a new was we use/create the structures of ship in the future. Cesar Harada has done numerous research and studies about the situation with the trash and ocean spills in the water as well as what are the current methods to fix and clean up the solutions. From his research he developed different types of prototype boats that would be the most efficient for cleaning up the trash, as well as coming up with a very interesting open term contract that allows everyone to be able to use the data and share it. I am heavily interested in helping clean the ecosystems and the fact that not only is there someone already devising ways to do this but also open sourced his finding with the world so that now there are hundreds, thousand, maybe millions of people able to support this and help is something that really inspires me.

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